We work with teams to help them have more inclusive and productive meetings and build stronger relationships. We start with meetings, as so much team time is spent in meetings. We begin by introducing team chairing and passing (TCP) and video meeting signals (VMS) alongside eight meeting behaviours we ask the team to adopt and try out for five meetings.
Scroll over each video meeting signal to see its meaning
Team Chairing and Passing
I want to speak
This sign is inspired by lifeguards who will use this sign to attract attention. Use it boldly so others on the call can see you.
I would like to build on that
I don’t understand
I need clarification
This sign is inspired by
Laurel and Hardy!
I'd like to offer a different point of view
Useful in a discussion about different options. It's OK to offer different perspectives in the spirit of constructive debate
Showing connection and emotion
I’m OK with that
I agree
I connect with what you have said because I have had a similar experience
I feel for you
Hand still
I’m not OK
I disagree
Good luck
Let's hope so
I’m not sure
Hands wobbling
Goodbye friend
I connect with you
Meeting Management
You are too quiet
Sometimes I have used this sign when in fact the problem is at my end – I have turned my volume down to zero! So if you are the only one making this sign, check it’s not you!
15 seconds left
(or whatever is agreed)
Summarise your point
Come to a conclusion
Make 2 circles with your hand
(top to bottom, bottom to top)
Speed up, please
Both hands rolling very fast